B-BBEE Scorecard

Demystifying B-BBEE Compliance: How Our Scorecard App Simplifies the Process

B-BBEE compliance is a crucial aspect of doing business in South Africa. However, navigating the complexities of B-BBEE requirements and generating accurate scorecards can be daunting. In this blog, we will demystify B-BBEE compliance and showcase how our innovative B-BBEE Scorecard solution simplifies the entire process. By leveraging technology and automation, our app revolutionizes B-BBEE…

Digital Transformation boosts student retention

How Digital Transformation Boosts Student Retention: 3 Key Factors

The students of the present and future expect seamless digital experiences. By now, this is a truism in almost every industry. But for a number of reasons, higher education lags behind other sectors in terms of uptake and implementation of digital infrastructure. Our own research showed that university students ranked their university lives as the…

Student Information System

The SIS Wishlist: 3 Essential Features of a Student Information System

For educational institutions, the decision to accelerate digital transformation is a straightforward one. But the question of which Student Information System solution to adopt is not. In a saturated ed-tech market, vendors tend to emphasize their own SaaS value propositions without first addressing the specific institutional needs of prospective customers. Here, we will unpack the…

BBBEE Compliance

B-BBEE Compliance and Microsoft Ecosystem: Challenges and Solutions

When it comes to automating and managing global operations, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance is the obvious choice for many medium to large businesses. As ERP solutions go, it’s hard to beat the depth and range of features Microsoft offers its clients. But even the best SaaS tools need supplementing to overcome country-specific barriers to localization.…

Higher Education

Preparing for Tomorrow, Today: How Universities Can Step Up Digital Transformation for a Generation Who Expects It

A university’s legacy is part of its appeal: we all expect a place of higher learning to have a timeless look, feel, and ethos. The prestige of many universities is intimately tied up with how long it has been around, and how well it has weathered changes from generation to generation. But legacy systems of…

B-BBEE Scorecard App

Homegrown B-BBEE Scorecard Tools to Enhance Microsoft Dynamics

The challenges of SaaS localization are perhaps nowhere more pronounced than in the context of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE). Reporting and compliance for B-BBEE falls just outside the scope of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance, forcing businesses to rely on time-consuming, error-prone manual processes. Existing software solutions tend to narrowly target certain aspects of…